Born: 24th July, 1960, Debrecen, Hungary
Mathematician MSc and English-Hungarian translator, 1984, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary
University Doctorate, Lajos Kossuth University, 1987
Candidate of Mathematical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1991, equivalent to PhD
habilitation (University of Debrecen) 2004
Language skills:
English advanced level, German intermediate level
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics, Department of Geometry, since 1987 - till now, as associate professor since 2004 till now
Educational activity of last 10 years:
main lecture courses:
Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Geometry II, Geometry 3, Differential geometry, Geometries and their models, Algebraic topology, Geometric transformations
in English:
Mathematics I, Mathematics II (for Engineers), Geometry 1
seminar courses in English:
College Geometry, College Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics I, Mathematics II (for Engineering students), Geometry 1
PhD courses:
Riemannian Geometry, Introduction to Finsler Geometry, Introduction Differentiable Manifolds, Models of Non-Euclidean Geometries
Educational development activity:
Subject responsibility:
Mathematics 2 for the economics and management major
Mathematics 1 for electrical engineering major
Mathematics 2 for electrical engineering major
Chapters in applied mathematics and mathematics master's programs in geometry
Algebraic topology course
Professional development: participation in the development of a master's degree in applied mathematics
Lecture Notes, textbook:
1. Mathematical basics for economics students, Kossuth University Press, 1996, 1999.
2. Linear algebra (together with István Gaál), 1998
3. Differential geometry (together with Zoltán Kovács), 2008
4. College Geometry (together with Csaba Vincze), 2014
5. Algebraic topology, (together with Béla Rendi), note, 1997
Scientific activity
László Kozma's research focuses on a special field of differential geometry, Finsler geometry, which is the main research field of the Debrecen school of differential geometry dating back several decades. He achieved results in the field of osculation of Finsler connections with linear connections; on the characterization of the holonomy group of Landsberg spaces; on the behavior of geodesics of Berwald spaces with non-positive curvature; on the curvature properties of twisted Finsler spaces; on the curvature and characterization of the Hilbert metric; on the sub-Finsler geometry connection; on the strecth curvature, etc.. During his research, he worked with several international research groups (Japan, USA, Romania, China, Czech Republic, Iran), which resulted in several joint projects and publications. He performed at 2-3 international conferences per year, partly as an invited speaker. He took on tasks of organization of scientific events: organizing conferences and workshops, editing journals, refereeing and reviewing, initiating international projects and tenders.
2 Q1 and 4 Q2, 5 Q3 and 4 Q4 scientific publications
book chapters (English): 2
textbooks: 5 (1 in English)
Scientific publication in a peer-reviewed journal in English: 34
Peer-reviewed communication published in an international conference publication in English: 6
Number of theses published in journals with an impact factor: 16
The sum of the impact factor of the in extenso theses: 14,116
Number of citations (without self-citation): 296
Participation in doctoral training
Number of doctoral students. 5 (graduated 4)
Obtained PhD degree: 4: Ioan Radu Peter (2003), Kristály Alexandru (2005), Alabdulsada Layth Muhsin Habeeb (2019), Al-Janabi Sameer Annon Abbas (2024)
Professional public activity
BJMT: Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society, AMS, Tensor Society
Journal editorial member:
Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyhaziensis
Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications (Iran)
Technical editor of Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen (1996-2017)
Referee of AMS Mathematical Reviews and reviewer of Zentralblatt,
7 PhD evaluations, member of the committee reviewing doctoral defenses several times
peer-reviewing at the request of several international mathematical journals
Lajos Kossuth University, senate member, 1996-2000
Member of the Science Faculty Council of the University of Debrecen, 2005-2009
Research organization experience
Research projects:
Professional leader of the Japanese-Hungarian TÉT, 2010-2012
Czech-Hungarian TÉT professional leader, 2011-2013
Head of the FP7 Marie-Curie international research grant, 2013-2016
participant in several OTKA (Hungarian) tenders
Domestic and international recognition, participation in academic life:
International conference presentations: 48, invited speaker: 8
Conference organization:
1. Colloquium on Differential Geometry, 2000
2. Workshop on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, 2005
3-5.Workshop on Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2003, 2007, 2009
6. Colloquium on Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2023
Longer study trips abroad:
DAAD doctoral scholarship 10 months Würzburg Germany
Matsumae Foundation Scholarship, 4 months, Sapporo, Japan
Eötvös State Scholarship 5 months, Indianapolis, USA
JSPS scholarship, 2 months, Sapporo, Japan
Management experience:
Deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics, 1999-2001
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences 2005-2009
Head of the Department of Geometry 2008-2015
Coordinating Center for International Education, Director of English language non-medical programs, 2007-