[1] E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul, A note on Golomb's method and the continued fraction method for Egyptian fractions, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 42 (2013), 129-134.
[2] E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul, A note on combinatorial subspaces and r-Stirling numbers, Utilitas Mathematica 105 (2017), 137-139.
[3] E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul, A comprehensive study of r-Dowling polynomials, Aequationes Mathematicae 92 (2018), 515-527.
[4] E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul, New combinatorial interpretations of r-Whitney and r-Whitney-Lah numbers, Discrete Applied Mathematics 255 (2019), 222-233.
[5] Szabó-Gyimesi Eszter, Kombinatorikus számok általánosításai, PhD doktori értekezés, Debreceni Egyetem, 2019.
[6] E. Gyimesi, The r-Dowling-Lah polynomials, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 18 (2021), Article 136.
[7] E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul, Associated r-Dowling numbers and some relatives, Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 359 (2021), 47-55.
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2023. 10. 24. 10:27