Előadások konferenciákon
- Some preserver problems on quantum structures, 9th Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2009.02.04–07., Bedlewo, Lengyelország
- Some preserver problems on quantum states, The 5th International Students’ Conference on Analysis, 2009.02.07–10., Szare, Lengyelország
- Some preserver problems on quantum states, Quantum structure 2009, 2009.02.24–27., Kocovce, Szlovákia
- Preservers on sets of positive operators, The 6th International Students’ Conference on Analysis, 2010.01.31–02.03., Noszvaj, Magyarország
- Isometries of spaces of positive operators, The Sixth Conference on Function Spaces, 2010.05.18–22., Edwardsville, USA
- Transformations on density operators, Quantum Structures 2010 Boston, 2010.06.21–26., Boston, USA
- Transformations on spaces of positive operators, Bolyai János Emlékkonferencia, 2010.08.30., Budapest, Magyarország
- Entropy preserving maps and isometries on quantum structures, The 7th International Students’ Conference on Analysis, 2011.02.05–08., Wisla, Lengyelország
- Relative entropy preserving maps and isometries on density operators, IWOTA 2011, 2011.07.03–09., Sevilla, Spanyolország
- Isometries on positive operators via identification lemmas, 12th Debrecen-Katowice Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2012.01.25–28., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Isometries of positive operators and identification lemmata, The 8th International Students’ Conference on Analysis, 2012.01.28–31., Noszvaj, Magyarország
- Isometries of positive operators with unit norm, 50th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2012.06.17–24., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- On some isometries of density operators, Quantum Structures 2012, 2012.07.23–27., Cagliari, Olaszország
- Maps on sets of density operators preserving the Holevo quantity, 13th Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2013.01.30–02.02, Zakopane, Lengyelország
- Maps on sets of density operators preserving the Holevo quantity, The 9th International Students’ Conference on Analysis, 2013.02.02-05., Ustron, Lengyelország
- Megőrzési problémák sűrűségoperátorokon, "Lendület" FIFA'13 Mini-konferencia, 2013.04.26-27., Debrecen, Magyarország
- Transformations on density matrices preserving the Holevo bound, 18th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), 2013.06.03-07., Providence, USA
- Transformations on density operators leaving f-divergences invariant, 51st International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2013.06.16-23., Rzeszów, Lengyelország
- Maps on classes of linear operators preserving measure of commutativity, 9th Workshop on Functional Analysis and its Applications in Mathematical Physics and Optimal Control, 2013.09.09-14., Nemecká, Szlovákia
- Maps preserving the p-norm of linear combinations of positive operators, The Fourteenth Debrecen-Katowice Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2014.01.29-02.01., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Transformations on sets of linear operators that preserve measure of commutativity, Young Functional Analysts' Meeting 2014, 2014.04.11-13., Debrecen, Magyarország
- Preservers for the p-norm of linear combinations of positive operators, Seventh Conference on Function Spaces, 2014.05.20-24., Edwardsville, USA
- Mappings on sets of Hilbert space operators that leave the norm of commutators invariant, 52nd International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2014.06.22-29., Innsbruck, Ausztria
- Transformations on density operators preserving quantum f-divergences, The 19th International Linear Algebra Society Conference (ILAS2014), 2014.08.06-09., Szöul, Dél-Korea
- Characterization of inequalities between self-adjoint matrices using entropic quantities, Conference on Inequalities and Applications '14, 2014.09.07-13., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Resolving sets in metric spaces, The 15th Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2015.01.28-31., Bedlewo, Lengyelország
- Determinánstartó transzformációk Hilbert-tér operátorok struktúráin, "Functional Analysis Meets Linear Algebra" Konferencia, 2016.04.09-10., Szeged, Magyarország
- Isometries on structures of Hilbert space operators, 54th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2016.06.12-19., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Order preserving maps on structures of linear operators, Conference on Inequalities and Applications 2016, 2016.08.28-09.03., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Isometries on Hilbert space operators, Preservers Everywhere, 2017.06.19-23., Szeged, Magyarország
- Isometries on structures of linear operators, 18th Debrecen–Katowice Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2018.01.31-02.03., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Transformations on positive operators with preserver properties related to means; Numbers, Functions, Equations 2018; 2018.08.26-09.01.; Hajdúszoboszló; Magyarország
- Characterizations of centrality in C*-algebras in terms of local monotonicity and local additivity of functions, The Nineteenth Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2019.01.30-02.02., Zakopane, Lengyelország
- Characterization of commutativity properties in C*-algebras via local monotonicity and local additivity of functions, Second Spring Seminar on Analysis, 2019.04.04., Debrecen, Magyarország
- Connections between convexity and commutativity in operator algebras, 57th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2019.06.02-09., Jastarnia, Lengyelország
- Homomorphisms with respect to operator means induced by the functional calculus, Twentieth Debrecen-Katowice Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2020.01.29-02.01., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Characterizing centrality in C*-algebras in terms of local convexity of functions, 59th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2023.06.18-25., Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
- Points of operator convexity of functions on operator algebras, The Twenty Third Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2024.01.31-02.03., Brenna, Lengyelország
- Connections between points of convexity of functions and centrality of elements in C*-algebras, 60th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 2024.06.09-15., Kościelisko, Lengyelország
- On the sigma-balancing property of generalized quasi-arithmetic means of n variables, 24th Debrecen–Katowice Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 2025.02.06-09, Hajdúszoboszló, Magyarország
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2025. 02. 08. 18:01