- A. Bazsó, Further computational experiences on norm form equations with solutions forming arithmetic progressions, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 71 (2007), 489-497. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, A. Bérczes, K. Győry and Á. Pintér, On the resolution of equations of the form Axn-Byn=C in integers x, y and n≥3, II, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 76 (2010), 227-250. [paper, erratum]
- A. Bazsó, On binomial Thue equations and ternary equations with S-unit coefficients, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 77 (2010), 499-516. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, Binomial Thue equations, ternary equations and their applications, PhD értekezés, Debreceni Egyetem, 2010.
- A. Bazsó, Á. Pintér and H. M. Srivastava, A refinement of Faulhaber's theorem concerning sums of powers of natural numbers, Applied Mathematics Letters 25 (2012), 486-489. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, D. Kreso, F. Luca and Á. Pintér, On equal values of power sums of arithmetic progressions, Glasnik Matematicki 47 (2012), 253-263. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, On alternating power sums of arithmetic progressions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 24 (2013), 945-949. [paper]
- A. Bazsó and I. Pink, Diophantine equations with Appell sequences, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 69 (2014), 222-230. [paper]
- A. Bazsó and I. Mező, On the coefficients of power sums of arithmetic progressions, Journal of Number Theory 153 (2015) 117-123. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, Polynomial values of (alternating) power sums, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 146 (2015), 202-219. [paper]
- A. Bazsó and I. Mező, Some notes on alternating power sums of arithmetic progressions, Journal of Integer Sequences 21 (2018), Article 18.7.8, 8 pp. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, A. Bérczes, L. Hajdu and F. Luca, Polynomial values of sums of products of consecutive integers, Monatshefte für Mathematik 187 (2018), 21-34. [paper]
- A. Bazsó, A. Bérczes, O. Kolouch, I. Pink and J. Šustek, Diophantine equations connected to the Komornik polynomials, Glasnik Matematicki 55 (2020), 13-27.
- A. Bazsó and L. Hajdu, Polynomial values of sums of hyperbolic binomial coefficients, Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici 63 (2020), 95-112.
- A. Bazsó, On linear combinations of products of consecutive integers, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 162 (2020), 690-704.
- A. Bazsó, D. Kreso, F. Luca, Á. Pintér and Cs. Rakaczki, On equal values of products and power sums of consecutive elements in an arithmetic progression, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 106 (2025), 69-86.
- A. Bazsó, I. Mező, Á. Pintér and Sz. Tengely, Singmaster-type results for Stirling numbers and some related diophantine equations, International Journal of Number Theory 21 (2025), 257-269.
- A. Bazsó, Effective results for polynomial values of (alternating) power sums of arithmetic progressions, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 90 (2025), 130-139.
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2025. 03. 06. 12:18