I. Konferencia-előadások/Conference presentations
- The 3rd International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications (The First German-Romanian Seminar on Geometry), 18-23. September 1997, Sibiu, Romania. Lecture title: On conformal and projective changes of Finsler metrics
- The 18th Winter School GEOMETRY and PHYSICS, 10-17. January 1998, Srni, Czech Republic. Lecture title: On C-conformal changes of Riemann-Finsler metrics
- The 20th Winter School GEOMETRY and PHYSICS, 15-22. January 2000, Srni, Czech Republic
- The 11th National Seminar on Finsler and Lagrange Geometry, 17-20. February 2000, Bacau, Romania
- The 8th International Conference on Differential Geometry and its applications, 27-31. August 2001, Opava, Czech Republic. Lecture title: Conservative semisprays on Finsler manifolds II
- Debrecen-Opava Meeting 2002, 24-25. May 2002, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: On special type conformal changes of Riemann-Finsler metrics
- The 34th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, 14-18. June 2002, Torun, Poland. Lecture title: On special type conformal changes of Riemann-Finsler metrics
- Geometria a felsőoktatásban, ELTE TTK Geometria Tanszék, 2002, Budapest, Hungary
- Workshop on Finsler Geometry and Its Applications, 11-15. August 2003, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title 1: On a new geometrical derivation of two-dimensional Finsler manifolds with constant main scalar (joint work with Sz. Vattamány), Lecture title 2: On the curvature of the indicatrix surface in three-dimensional Minkowski spaces
- Olomouc-Debrecen Meeting, 3rd Workshop on Differential Geometry, 16-18. October 2003, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Lecture title: Conformal equivalence of Berwald manifolds
- 2004 International Symposium on Finsler Geometry, 2-14. August 2004, Tianjin, China. Lecture title: On Matsumoto's problem of conformally equivalent Berwald manifolds
- Differential Geometry and Physics, 29. August - 2. September 2005, Budapest, Hungary. Lecture title: On an existence theorem of Wagner manifolds
- Applied Complex and Quaternionic Approximation vs. Finslerian Structures, 18-25. July 2006, Bedlewo, Poland. Lecture title: On the elements of Minkowski geometry and its applications in problems of metrizability
- Finsler extension of Relativity theory, 4-10. November 2006, Cairo, Egypt. Lecture title: On the Wagner spaces (invited lecturer)
- Workshop on Finsler Geometry and Its applications, 28. May - 2. June 2007, Balatonföldvár, Hungary. Lecture title: On Berwald and Wagner manifolds
- Conference on inequalities and applications '07, 9-15. September 2007, Noszvaj, Hungary.
- XXIX OTDK, March 2009, Szombathely, Hungary. Lecture title: Nagy Ábris: Általánosított kúpszeletek egy speciális osztályáról (témavezető: Dr. Vincze Csaba).
- Workshop on Finsler Geometry and Its applications, 28. May - 2. June 2009, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: On generalized conics and their applications (joint work with Á. Nagy)
- Bolyai Emlékkonferencia, 30. August - 4. September 2010, Budapest-Marosvásárhely, Hungary-Romania. Lecture title: An introduction to the theory of generalized conics and their applications (joint work with Á. Nagy)
- XXX OTDK, 27-29. April 2011, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. Lecture title: Nagy Ábris: Nemkonvex geometriai tomográfia (témavezető: Dr. Vincze Csaba)
- The 7th Bilateral Joint Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 28-30. October 2011, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Lecture title: On generalized conics and their applications
- Geometria, Grafika és vizuális környezetkultúra konferencia (GeoGra2012), 20-21. January 2012, Budapest, Hungary. Lecture title: On generalized conics and their applications
- MAPLE T.A. Training, 9-10. July 2012, Balatonfüred, Hungary
- The 8th Bilateral Joint Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Debrecen-Ostrava Meeting, 12-14. October 2012, Balatonföldvár, Hungary. Lecture title: Lemniscates and polyellipses (in memoriam Pál Erdős)
- The 47th Symposium on Finsler Geometry, 23-25. November 2012, Kagoshima, Japan. Lecture title: On generalized conics' theory and averaged Riemannian metrics in Finsler geometry
- Joint Events of Colloquium on Differential Geometry and Its Applications and IX-th International Conference of Finsler extensions of Relativity Theory, 26-30. August 2013, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title 1: Average processes in Finsler Geometry, Lecture title 2: Generalized Conics and their applications (joint work with Á. Nagy)
- The 48-th Symposium on Finsler Geometry, 14-17. September 2013, Sapporo, Japan. Lecture title: Average processes in Finsler Geometry
- Mexican Conference of Discrete Mathematics and computational Geometry, 11-15. November 2013, Oaxaca, Mexico. Lecture title: Integer programming in geometric tomography (joint work with Á. Nagy)
- Meeting on Tomography and Applications - Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction, 7-9. May 2014, Milano, Italy.Lecture title: Continuity properties and their applications in X-ray tomography (joint work with Á. Nagy)
- Conference on Inequalities and Applications, 7-13. September 2014, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary. Lecture title: An optimization problem for the reconstruction of compact connected hv-convex planar sets by their coordinate X-rays
- 18th Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and Image Analysis, 22-27. March 2015, Lingen, Germany. Poster presentation: Generalized conics' theory and its applications in geometric tomography
- Meeting on Tomography and Applications- Discrete Tomography and Image Reconstruction, Mathematics Department, Politecnico di Milano, 20-22. April 2015, Milano, Italy. Lecture title: Generalized conics' theory and its applications in geometric tomography
- The 50th Symposium on Finsler Geometry, "Half a Century of Finsler Geometry in Japan", 21-25. October 2015, Hiroshima University, The Faculty Club "Gakushi Kaikan", Japan. Lecture title: On generalized Berwald manifolds: averaging and special metrics
- 2015 Szeged Workshop on Convexity, 13-14. November 2015. University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary. Lecture title: On Brickell's theorem
- 54th International Symposium on Functional Equations, 12-19. June 2016, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary. Lecture title 1: On the discrete Pompeiu problem, Lecture title 2: On the generalization of a theorem due to Z. Daróczy (joint work with A. Varga)
- Conference on Inequalities and Applications 2016, 28. August - 3. September 2016, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary. Lecture title: On computable classes of equidistant sets
- XII International Symposium on Generalized Monotonicity and Convexity, 27. August - 2. September 2017, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary. Lecture title: Lazy orbits: an optimization problem on the sphere
- ADA 2019, 24-25. May 2019, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Voronoi cells and equidistant sets in the Euclidean plane (in hungarian)
- Researchers' Day, 29-30. June 2020, Hungarian Service Network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation, online conference. Lecture title: On the reconstruction of the center of the projection by distances and incidence relations - theory and practice (joint work with A. Pongrácz)
- The 55th Symposium on Finsler Geometry, 9-10. January 2021, online conference. Lecture title: On the extremal compatible linear connection of a generalized Berwald manifold
- Meeting on Tomography and Applications: Discrete Tomography, Neuroscience and Image Reconstruction, 16th Edition (In memoriam of Carla Peri), 2-4. May 2022. Plenary lecture (invited speaker): Distance-mean functions and their geometric applications, https://www.mate.polimi.it/events/TAIR2022/.
- Colloquium on Finsler Geometry and Its Applications, 12-16 June 2023, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title 1: Opening, lecture title 2: On generalized Berwald manifolds' theory: compatible Riemannian metrics and compatible extremal linear connections, Lecture title 3: Generalized Berwald surfaces with locally symmetric fourth root metrics (joint work with M. Oláh), Lecture title 4: In memoriam Lajos Tamássy, Lecture title 5: On the regularity of locally symmetric Riemannian polynomial metrics (joint work with Á. Nagy), https://konferencia.unideb.hu/en/cfga-2023.
II. Tudományos együttműködés/scientific cooperations
6-13. December 2015, University of Luxembourgh, Luxembourgh (functional equations, spectral analysis and synthesis, Pompeiu problem)
III. Egyéb előadások/Other presentations (in hungarian)
ELTE TTK Geometria Tanszék Hajós Szeminárium, 31. March 2005, Budapest, Hungary. Lecture title: Wagner-sokaságok egy egzisztencia-tétele
A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe 2011 - Csebisev-rendszerek, bonyolultságelmélet, általánosított kúpszeletek, 10. November 2011, Debrecen (DAB), Hungary. Lecture title: Általánosított kúpszeletek
Intézeti Szeminárium (Inst. of Math., Univ. of Debrecen), 14. June 2012, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Csatolt Riemann struktúra Finsler sokaságon
Kutatók Éjszakája (Inst. of Math., Univ. of Debrecen), 27. September 2013, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Konvex geometria
A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe 2013 - Erdős Pál és a Debreceni Egyetem Matematikai Intézetének kapcsolódási pontjai: Számelmélet, függvényegyenletek, Az Erdős-Vincze tétel, 21. November 2013, Debrecen (DAB), Hungary. Lecture title: Az Erdős-Vincze tétel
Dr. Rapcsák Tamás Alapítvány, 14. March 2014, Budapest (Óbuda University), Hungary. Lecture title: Átlagolási eljárások és geometriai alkalmazásaik
TAMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1, 11. April 2014, Debrecen (University of Debrecen), Hungary. Lecture title: College Geometry - elementary geometry
TAMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1, 24. April 2014, Debrecen (University of Debrecen), Hungary. Lecture title: College Geometry - elementary geometry - MAPLE
Kossuth-hét, Kossuth Lajos Gyakorlógimnázium, 18. September 2014, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Klasszikus geometriai problémák
Miskolci Egyetem, Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Analízis Tanszék, 22. October 2014, Miskolc, Hungary. Lecture title: Átlagolási eljárások és geometriai alkalmazásaik
Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Kar, Tanszéki Szeminárium, Komputergrafika és képfeldolgozás tanszék, 15. April 2015, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Általánosított kúpszeletek és tomográfiai alkalmazásaik
Debreceni Egyetem, Analízis Kutató Szeminárium, 27. May 2015, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Generalized conics' theory and its applications (in english)
Természettudományos és Mérnöki Fesztivál az Agórában, 22. November 2017, Agóra Tudományos Élményközpont, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: A természet könyvének nyelve
Kutatók Éjszakája 2017, 29. September 2017, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Semmiből egy ujj, más világot: a geometria axiómái
Analysis Researchers' Seminar 2018 Spring, 24. April 2018, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: On the average taxicab distance function and its applications (in english)
Kutatók Éjszakája 2018, 28. September 2018, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Az euklideszi sík szimmetriái és alkalmazásai
Scientific meeting, Honoring Lajos Tamássy on the occasion of his 95th birthday, 5. October 2018, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: On generalized Berfald surfaces
Kutatók Éjszakája 2019, 27. September 2019, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Voronoi-cellák és ekvidisztáns halmazok az euklideszi síkon
Analysis Researchers' Seminar 2019 Fall, 9. October 2019, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, Hungary. Lecture title: Equidistant polytopes in Euclidean spaces (in english)
Tudomány Napja 2019, 5. November 2019, Debreceni Egyetem, Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar, Debrecen, Hungary, Lecture title: Mathesis necesse est
Hajdú-Bihar megyei középiskolák matematikaversenye, díjkiosztó, 13. December 2019, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, Hungary, Lecture title: Konvex poliéderek
A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe 2020 - Homo ex machina: ember a gépből, 27. November 2020, online tudományos ülés. Lecture title: Én a robot - Isaac Asimov, orosz származású amerikai író és biokémikus születésének centenáriuma
SZTE TTI Bolyai Intézet Kerékjártó Szeminárium, 18. February 2021, online szeminárium. Lecture title: Távolság-átlag függvények és geometriai alkalmazásaik
- Debreceni Egyetem Professzori Klub, 27. February 2023, Új professzorok a Debreceni Egyetemen (Bemutatkozó előadások). Lecture title: A geometria világa