- Á. Figula, Geodesic loops, Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 10, pp. 455-461, 2000. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Affine extensions of loops, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol. 74, pp. 151-162, 2004. pdf
- Á. Figula, 3-dimensional Bol loops as sections in non-solvable Lie groups, Forum Math, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 431-460, 2005. pdf
- Á. Figula, 3-dimensional loops on non-solvable reductive spaces, Advances in Geometry, Vol. 5, pp. 399-428, 2005. pdf
- Á. Figula, Bol loops as sections in semi-simple Lie groups of small dimension, Manuscripta Math., Vol. 121, pp. 367-384, 2006. pdf
- Á. Figula, Affine reductive spaces of small dimension and left A-loops, Result. Math., Vol. 49, pp. 45-79, 2006. pdf
- Á. Figula, 3-dimensional Bol loops corresponding to solvable Lie triple systems, Publ. Math. Debrecen, Vol. 70, No 1-2, pp. 59-101, 2007. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Loops which are semidirect products of groups, Acta Math. Hung., Vol. 114, No. 3, pp. 247-266, 2007. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Loops on spheres having a compact-free inner mapping group, Monatsh. Math., Vol. 156, pp. 123-140. 2008. pdf
- Á. Figula, The multiplication group of 2-dimensional topological loops, J. Group Theory., Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 419-429, 2009. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Subloop incompatible Bol loops, Manuscripta Math., Vol. 130, Issue 2, pp. 183-199, 2009. pdf
- Á. Figula, Topological loops with three-dimensional solvable left translation group, Aequationes Math., Vol. 79, pp. 83-97, 2010. pdf
- Á. Figula, Á. Száz, Graphical relationships between the infimum and intersection convolutions, Mathematica Pannonica, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 23-35, 2010. pdf
- Á. Figula, On the multiplication group of three-dimensional topological loops, J. Lie Theory,Vol. 21, pp. 385-415, 2011. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Extensions of groups by weighted Steiner loops, Results Math., Vol. 59, pp. 251-278, 2011. pdf
- Á. Figula, Three-dimensional loops as sections in a four-dimensional solvable Lie group, Proc. of the conference Iscia Group Theory, Iscia, Apr. 14-17., World Scientific Publishing, pp. 13, 2012. pdf
- Á. Figula, Octonions, Proc. of the 1st BIOMICS Summer Workshop, Editors: P. Dini, G. Horváth, University of Debrecen, Hungary, 17-19 July 2013, pp. 41-50, 2013. pdf
- Á. Figula, Three-dimensional topological loops with solvable multiplication groups, Communications in Algebra, Vol. 42, 2014, 444-468. pdf
- Á. Figula, Multiplication groups of topological loops, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 193, no. 3, 2013, 428-432. pdf
- Á. Figula, Quasi-simple Lie groups as multiplication groups of topological loops, Advances in Geometry, Vol. 15, 2015, 315-331. pdf
- Á. Figula, Lie groups as multiplication groups of topological loops, J. Math. Sci. Vol. 218, no. 6, 2016, pp. 742-747, pdf
- Ágota Figula, Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia, Some numerical characteristics of Sylvester and Hadamard matrices, Publicationes Debrecen, Vol 86, no. 1-2, 2015,149-168. pdf
- Ágota Figula, Margherita Lattuca, Three-dimensional topological loops with nilpotent multiplication groups, J. Lie Theory, Vol. 25, no. 3, 2015, 787-805. pdf
- Giovanni Falcone, Ágota Figula, The action of a compact Lie group on nilpotent Lie algebras of type , 2015, Forum Math., Vol. 28, Issue: 4, 2016, 795-806, DOI:10.1515/forum-2014-0170, pdf
- Giovanni Falcone, Ágota Figula, Karl Strambach, Multiplicative loops of 2-dimensional topological quasifields, 2016, Communications in Algebra, Vol. 44, 2016, 2592-2620, DOI: 10.1080/00927872.2015.1053905. pdf
- Ágota Figula, Marina Z. Menteshashvili, On the geometry of the domain of the solution of nonlinear Cauchy problem, in the book: Lie groups, differential equations and geometry, Palermo: Springer Verlag, Italia, UNIPA Springer Series, pp. 205-221, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62181-4_9 pdf
- Ágota Figula, Karl Strambach, Loops as sections in compact Lie groups, Abhandlungen Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 87, (1), pp. 61-68, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s12188-016-0128-3, pdf
- G. Falcone, Á. Figula, K. Strambach, Multiplicative Loops of Quasifields Having Complex Numbers as Kernel, RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS, Vol. 72, 2129-2156, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00025-017-0699-z, 2017, pp. 28. pdf
- Á. Figula, Multiplicative Loops of Topological Quasifields, Banach Center Publications, Vol. 113, 123-134, 2018, DOI: 10.4064/bc113-0-8, pdf
- Á. Figula, P.T. Nagy, Isometry classes of simply connected nilmanifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics vol. 132, 2018, 370-381. pdf
- Á. Figula, K. Ficzere, A. Al-Abayechi, Topological loops with six-dimensional solvable multiplication groups having five-dimensional nilradical. Ann. Math. Inform. 50 (2019), 71–87.
- Á. Figula, G. Horváth, T. Milkovszki, Z. Muzsnay, The Lie symmetry group of the general Liénard-type equation, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 27 (2020), no. 2, 185–198.
- Á. Figula, A. Al-Abayechi, Topological loops with solvable multiplication groups of dimension at most six are centrally nilpotent. Int. J. Group Theory 9 (2020), no. 2, 81–94.
- O. Belova, G. Falcone, Á. Figula, J. Mikes, P. T. Nagy, H. Wefelscheid, Our friend and mathematician Karl Strambach. Results Math. 75 (2020), no. 2, Paper No. 69, 23 pp.
- Á. Figula, P. T. Nagy, Tangent prolongation of Cr-differentiable loops. Publ. Math. Debrecen 97 (2020), no. 1-2, 241–252.
- G. Falcone, Á. Figula, C. Hannusch, Steiner loops of affine type. Results Math. 75 (2020), no. 4, Paper No. 148, 25 pp.
A. Al-Abayechi, Á. Figula, Geodesic vectors and flat totally geodesic subalgebrasin nilpotent metric Lie algebras. Algebra (Russian), 10–23, Itogi Nauki Tekh. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh. Temat. Obz., 177, Vseross. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Inform. (VINITI), Moscow, 2020.
Á. Figula, P. T. Nagy, Inverse property of nonassociative abelian extensions. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 61 (2020), no. 4, 501–511.
Á. Figula, A. Al-Abayechi, Topological loops having solvable indecomposable lie groups as their multiplication groups. Transform. Groups 26 (2021), no. 1, 279–303. /sites/default/files/upload_documents/figula-al-abayechi2021_article_topologicalloopshavingsolvable_1.pdf#overlay-context=hu/node/572
A. Al-Abayechi, Á. Figula, Topological loops with decomposable solvable multiplication groups, Results Math. accepted (2021)
Á. Figula, P.T. Nagy, Extensions and tangent prolongations of loops, submitted, pp. 26 (2021) pdf
Á. Figula, G. Lomjaria, K. Ficzere, Differential equations having a given Lie symmetry group, submitted, pp. 41 (2021) pdf
Kornélia Ficzere, Ágota Figula, Carolin Hannusch, Kása Emese: Lehre der Trigonometrie anhand realistischer Aufgaben im Online-Unterricht, TEACHING MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 20 (1) 87-105 (2022) doi: https://doi.org/10.5485/TMCS.2022.0538 pdf
Kornélia Ficzere, Ágota Figula: Isometry groups of six-dimensional nilmanifolds, submitted Aequationes Math., pp. 26 (2022) pdf
Giovanni Falcone, Ágota Figula, Mario Galici: Extensions of Steiner loops, submitted, pp. 22 (2023) pdf
Sameer Annon Abbas, Ágota Figula: Geodesic vectors and flat totally geodesic subalgebras of six-dimensional filiform metric Lie algebras, accepted, pp. 33 (2023) pdf
Ágota Figula, Péter T. Nagy, A class of solvable binary Lie algebras of dimenbsion 5, submitted, pp. 33 (2023) pdf
Publikációk - Dr. Figula Ágota
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